Marked: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance Read online

Page 3

  “Wow, you really thought this through, didn’t you?”

  Her tapered gaze dropped to the carpet. “You won’t be in any danger. I swear it. As long as you follow the rules and do as Madam da Silva and I tell you, you’ll be safe. You’ll never even meet Alexei. He doesn’t attend charity events,” she whispered, peering up from beneath her lashes. “I know you don’t trust me right now, and I’m sorry for that. But I can help. There are things you don’t know about vampires. My knowledge of their society is far more extensive than anything your family has ever taught you. With my help, you can do this.”

  I studied her face and committed this moment to memory. “Fine. We’ll do this your way.”

  She nodded eagerly.

  I wasn’t so enthusiastic. She was asking me to believe the money would solve everything. I doubted that. We needed a plan B, and that was where my family came into play.

  Resigned to my course of action, I rose from the chair and started toward my room. I loved Tessa as a sister, but right now I could hardly stand to look at her. She’d lied to me for almost a year, and put her life at risk as a result. Now she was asking me to put aside my morals and help her out of this pickle. Funny. For most of my life, I’d begged my father to let me join in on their hunts, and every time, he’d fervently denied my request. After my mother’s death, he’d wrapped me in a thick cocoon, determined to keep me safe from any danger. This time, though, he wouldn’t be there to protect me.

  Hunting vampires didn’t frighten me…but sleeping with one?

  That was downright terrifying.

  Chapter 3

  The woman staring back at me in the mirror was a stranger with her heavily lined eyes and bee-stung lips. A team of fashionistas and makeup artists had tackled me the moment I’d entered the hotel, and this was the end result. This woman who looked nothing like me, with her high arching cheekbones, kissable lips, and crystal eyes that twinkled in the hued light.

  Outwardly, I had the appearance of a calm, sophisticated lady. But inside, I was screaming. For the first time in my life, I was about to enter a den of vampires who were preparing to bid on me. My heart kicked against my ribs, and my pulse thundered in my ears. I can’t do this… The walls were closing in on me, the laughter of the other courtesans roaring in my head.

  All this for Tessa.

  A sharp tug on my hair startled me out of my thoughts. Gasping, I turned to find a frumpy old woman standing behind me with a blonde lock wrapped in her fist.

  “You color?” she asked in a thick Ukrainian accent.

  I shook my head, stunned into silence.

  “Good. Better when natural. Hair needs to match.”

  “Match…what?” I whispered.

  “Other hair.” Her gaze dropped pointedly to my groin.

  Heat painted my cheeks. For crying out loud. The primping had consisted of plucking, waxing, and stuffing me into a dress so tight I could barely breathe. Now, they were analyzing my pubic hair color? Would this night never end?

  It would, but with me in a vampire’s bed.

  Tessa had filled me in on as much as she could before I’d left the apartment. My family had always focused on the negative aspects of vampires, such as the mind control and bloodletting. But Tessa had described them differently…as noble creatures who only wanted to survive in our world. Her pitch had been a touch too sweet for my liking, too pro-vamp, but I’d listened without comment.

  Tonight, I would make up my own mind.

  “Klara!” the old woman barked.

  A younger woman snapped to attention and bolted toward us, her face screwed into a tight knot.

  “Blonde hair up. Show off pretty throat. Make vamps go wild, eh?”

  I gave a mute nod. Tessa’s advice had been the same. Hair up, with a few curling tendrils left down to tempt them. Afterward, she’d coached me through my first attempt at heels. At five-foot-eight, I had always managed to scrounge up flats for any special occasions. Tessa had assured me that tonight I would not be so lucky. Every lady was given designer heels, and mine were at least three inches, which had me closing in on the six-foot mark. Tessa and I currently weren’t seeing eye-to-eye on certain things, but one thing was for sure… She knew the business.

  Starting with the dress. Her advice had been to find something subtle and elegant. Blondes did well with deep colors, but she’d advised me to try a different route. Trusting her recommendation, I’d selected a floor-length, backless lavender gown with a lace overlay. I studied the soft folds while Klara pinned up my hair, astounded by my transformation, and quite in love with the dress.

  “Remarkable,” someone commented.

  I met Madam da Silva’s sharp gaze in the mirror.

  “Yes, my dear. You will do splendidly tonight. And that color on you. At first, I’d thought a bold blue might best suit your hair, but you are stunning in that dress.” She rested her hands on my shoulder and leaned in, her bright lips crooking up into a pleased grin. “I should think you’ll drive them mad tonight.”

  She turned then and bustled toward the other courtesans, quickly pointing out any flaws in their makeup or outfits.

  “Are you Winter?”

  I glanced over at a brunette and studied her bubble gum pink dress. Personally, I wasn’t a fan, but I’d never liked that color on anyone.

  “I am,” I said, offering her a newly manicured hand.

  “Ashley,” she replied with a nod, slipping her hand into mine. “Are you ready for this?”

  I almost bit my bottom lip, until I remembered the time spent plumping it up. “No?” I offered with a light giggle. Seemed my nervousness softened something within her.

  Smiling, she gave my hand a gentle squeeze, and then released it. “Don’t worry. It’s quite simple. Try to have fun. Don’t get drunk. And just be your charming self.”

  Ah, that was the problem, wasn’t it? I wasn’t exactly charming. I’d never needed to be. I was me—a bookworm whose fashion sense consisted of faded jeans and bulky sweaters. This type of high living had never interested me.

  “All right, ladies!” Madam da Silva clapped her hands together. “The clock is about to strike eight, and from what I hear, most of our guests have already arrived. Say what you will about vampires, but they are incredibly punctual.”

  Soft laughter rustled through the room.

  “Now then. In line. Everyone against the wall. For those of you who are experienced, lead the way and help those who are unsure.”

  Ashley threaded our fingers together and led me toward a side door. “Stand here,” she murmured. “When the door opens, we file out. The moment you’re in the ballroom, start by making eye contact. Smile, but don’t be too eager. Be coy, shy… Vamps love that stuff.”

  That wouldn’t be difficult. “How long have you been doing this?”

  “This will be my third event,” she murmured.

  “And do you always land a…”

  “Suitor?” she offered with a demure smile. “I haven’t gone hungry yet. And in that dress, neither will you.”

  My conscience warred within me. Part of me hoped I failed tonight if only to return to Tessa and brainstorm a backup plan. Like, oh, calling my family and putting her under protection. The other part of me respected her choice not to tell them. Tessa had long ago fallen for my eldest brother, Michael, and even I knew he’d disown her if he ever found out about this.

  I could do this. I could. I’d never been one to believe in that special person to share your first time with. Sex was sex. And in this day and age, most had given it away by the time they were fifteen. I was one of the odd ones out. Hell, maybe I’d enjoy myself. Except…my mind flicked to Calix. If all vampires were like him, I didn’t want anything to do with them. Hence, the reason I’d stashed a crucial dagger in my overnight bag—a hollow blade full of holy water, compliments of my father when I’d first moved out. I’d agreed to let them take my blood, but they wouldn’t take my life. I’d guarantee that.

Ashley murmured. “I know the first time can be overwhelming, but you need to keep breathing.”

  I nodded, my pulse racing a mile a minute. Up until now, feigning confidence had been easy, but if I didn’t calm down, every vamp in the ballroom would know how nervous I was. I was about to bolt to the back of the line for a moment to collect myself when the door swung open. The sound of shared laughter and clinking glasses rushed into the back room, and my heart leapt.

  “It’s all right,” Ashley whispered in my ear. “Deep breath.”

  I obeyed.

  “Another.” She nodded. “Good. One more.” Then she met my gaze. “It’s a room full of men. Don’t think of them as vampires. They aren’t monsters, regardless of how society has painted them. This is my third time, and I’m still here. Still very healthy, and now, very well off.”

  I swallowed, grateful to my new friend for taking me under her wing. Seemed her and Tessa were of the same mind frame.


  Before I could respond, the line moved, and I was thrust into the proverbial vampire den.

  Be shy, coy… Ashley had said. Easiest thing I’d ever done. I could barely lift my eyes off the floor, too concerned with tripping over the back of her dress. When I finally looked up, I sucked in a soft breath. Suits and tuxedos everywhere. When I thought of vampires, I never imagined them all decked out. The image in my head was more in line with Calix, a bloodthirsty fiend from beyond the grave. This…was something else entirely.

  “Sweet baby Zeus,” I whispered, my wide-eyed gaze skipping from one face to another. The room was thick with vampires, more than I’d ever thought to see in a lifetime. “There are so many.”

  Ashley chuckled in front of me. “And just think, they’re all here for you.”

  They weren’t, but I appreciated the sentiment.

  Ashley intertwined our hands, then leaned close, her lips brushing my ear. “Play along,” she murmured. “A little tease. Rule number one is to find a way to stand out above the others.”

  That didn’t seem to be a problem. With her body pressed along mine, we had the eye of almost every man in the house.

  “Welcome, welcome…” A jovial voice rose from the stage.

  Ashley and I glanced over to find the stage occupied by Madam da Silva. Microphone in hand, she stepped beneath a spotlight, her face lit up in momentary joy as every last vampire turned toward her.

  “Welcome to the City of the Garden Gala! I would like to take a quick moment to remind each and every one of you that this is for charity, so do try to part with those wallets of yours,” she cooed, much to the delight of her audience. “And as a reward for your generosity, I have prepared a selection of the most beautiful women in the city for your pleasure.”

  I managed to stop myself from shaking my head in disbelief.

  “There are sheets set up alongside the wall, accompanied by the name and photo of each of my lovely ladies. Throughout the night, you may bid on the courtesan of your utmost desire. As is often the case, the highest bidder wins the contract, a portion of which is slotted to the charity of the courtesan’s desire.”

  Ah, well that was news to me.

  “And on that note, I do hope everyone enjoys their evening.” She batted her eyelashes, then swept off the stage.

  Ashley patted my hand, fed me a smile, and then abandoned me. Off to do her thing, I supposed. Work the crowd, entice the vampires, secure a contract. Time for me to do the same.

  I’d barely taken a step before my first admirer stepped out of the works. Hoping to maintain a little self-worth and dignity, I lifted a brow and studied his entire length. As far as looks went, he was nothing to scoff at, but his thin build didn’t quite appeal to me. Nor did the hungry gleam in his eye as he jutted out a skeletal hand in introduction.

  “I don’t believe we’ve ever met,” he stated. “My name is Luke.”

  “Winter.” I offered my own hand.

  His icy fingers closed around mine, and I barely restrained the shudder that worked down my spine. Ugh. Cold and clammy certainly wasn’t an attractive quality.

  Recognition sparked in his eyes. “Winter. Not a common name. Surname, perhaps?”

  I gave a coy shrug. “Or maybe not my real name at all,” I teased.

  “Ah. So it’s like that then?”

  “A girl can’t be too careful these days.”

  He lifted a thick brow. “Indeed.”

  With a polite smile, I went to turn, only to find his grip tightening around mine. My gaze dropped to our twined hands.

  “Running off so soon?” he tsked. “We’ve only introduced ourselves.”

  “And there are many others I must introduce myself to,” I countered. “It’s in my best interest to meet everyone, after all.”

  “Darling, you don’t need to meet anyone else.” He sidled up next to me and leaned in close, breathing in deeply as though to memorize my scent. “So soft and sweet.”

  My gaze darted to Ashley, but she was otherwise preoccupied with a small group of men, all leaning forward as though hanging on her every word. The brush of Luke’s fingers across my cheek dragged my attention back to him and spiked my pulse.

  “Afraid, coquette?” His cold breath fanned against my neck. “Don’t be. I know what you need.”

  What I need? I turned my head until our gazes met. “What I need is for you to leave me alone.”

  “Mm.” He chuckled deep in his throat. “I disagree. Tell me, how is Tessa?”

  I froze.

  “You smell like her,” he murmured. He studied me, his mouth curling into a predatory grin when he found his mark. His fingers brushed against the hollow of my throat. “This necklace.”

  “Get off me.” I struggled against him, terrified by the realization that he knew of my association with Tessa. If the madam learned about this, we were ruined.

  “Don’t be like that,” he chuckled, leaning forward until his sharp fangs brushed my throat. Something foreign slithered over me, a warm and muddled sensation that tasted a little like lust. Glamour, I realized the moment his firm fingers gripped my jaw and turned my head until our gazes met. Vampire magic. “Give in to me.”

  A part of me wanted to obey. To fall into him until his fangs found my jugular. I choked on my next breath, then pushed at his chest, not that he budged. Oh, God. I’d been a fool to come here, to think I could do this, to think I could save Tessa.

  His fangs bore down on my flesh, and I swear, my entire life flashed before my eyes. Screw this. But before I could unleash an unbecoming shriek, a shadow passed over me, and Luke’s unyielding weight suddenly vanished.

  “Keep your filthy hands off her.”

  Chapter 4

  My savior came in the guise of one cold-hearted bastard. Arctic blue eyes appraised me before he turned and shoved Luke back three steps. Vampire strength at its best. The jackass hadn’t so much as swayed when I’d pushed him.

  “Whoa, Rune,” Luke held up his hands and gave a light chuckle. “Calm down, man.”

  “Leave,” my hero growled in a dark timbre that sent a shiver down my spine, “before Silva catches you abusing one of her girls.”

  “Abusing?” Luke snorted with laughter. “I was just having some fun. You know, testing the wares. Making sure I get my money’s worth. Winter wasn’t complaining.”

  “Pretty sure that’s a lie.” I pressed a hand to my neck, relief fluttering through the pit of my stomach when I found it in one piece.

  Rune crooked his head and shot me a dark glance. Guess talking wasn’t appreciated. “Leave, now.”

  “Sure thing, hoss,” I murmured.

  “Not you,” Rune snapped. He turned and jabbed a finger toward my newest arch nemesis. How quickly that list was growing as the days passed. “Him.”

  Well, how was I supposed to know? He’d been looking right at me. Sighing, I leaned against the nearest wall and crossed my arms over my breasts.

  One guileless shrug and a complimentary smirk later, Luke strode
back toward the party, his swagger no less jaunty. Alone, Rune stepped toward me, and I had to force myself still, regardless of how badly I wanted to run. He loomed over me, that icy gaze of his chilling me to the bone. He offered no comforting smile or expression of any kind other than grim expectation.

  “If he bothers you again, let me know.”

  Forcing myself to swallow, I blinked, my pulse thundering in my ears. His offer stunned me into silence. So far, my experiences with vampires hadn’t been stellar. Of the two I’d met, neither had made a great first impression—not that I expected one. They were vampires, after all.

  Blood and sex. Sex and blood. That was all they knew. So why was he helping me?

  Rune dipped his head, then turned to leave. Without thought, I reached out and curled my fingers around his thick forearm. He paused and watched me as I studied his roughhewn profile. There was nothing soft about him. Fierce? Yes. Powerful? Absolutely. But attractive? No. In fact, he barely qualified as handsome. His face was too blunt and his nose too broad. His eyes, however, held me captive. A sea of sorrows and gloom within the frozen depths.

  Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I released his arm and stepped back. “Uh…thank you, I think.”

  A jet black eyebrow winged up. “You only think?”

  “No, I meant thank you. I’m a little out of my element here, and—”


  I arched my own brow. “What exactly is that supposed to mean?”

  “It isn’t difficult to separate the novices from the professionals, Ms. Winter.”

  “Just Winter,” I instinctively responded, relieved when he showed no recognition. Maybe my luck was about to turn, and I’d met a vampire who didn’t know Tessa or my family. An upscale vamp, perhaps. One who wouldn’t have slayers on his tail. “And so what if I’m a novice?”

  He circled around me until he faced the rest of the room, his unyielding grip latching onto my arm and guiding me toward the stage. “Try not to wander too far away from the festivities. There is safety to be found in numbers.”